CORONA, JAAP and the EMBRYO. On 22 April 2020 I was invited by the CTET in London to present an webinar lecture What the Embryo tells about Togetherness. As to my opinion it was, technically and didactically spoken, not the most brilliant lecture I ever gave. It was my first live online teaching activity ever. It could be better. Nevertheless a milestone for The Embryo in Us. Here is the link:

The course that I gave together with Thom Myers in his training center for Anatomy Trains in WALPOLE (MAINE) 18 till 21 JULY 2018
took place a quite another atmosphere as in Ashland. This time it was not very hot, we were near the ocean and this time it was Thom Myers who made the course much more interesting by his contributions and because the constantly introduced thems and questions from the domain of Anatomy Trains. I learned a lot.
This is the comment by Thom himself as to similar course Thom an d I gave in 2015: Jaap truly dances as he describes the folding and unfolding gestures during the process of human embryonic function. He pulls from several inspirations, including the work of Rudolf Steiner, Rumi, Andrew Still, and art from Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Greek art and more. Citing the theories of Blechschmidt, he comments on the fact that movement is pre-exercised in the body and that motion is the primary force, while form is secondary. As he stated, “you are a process and you are constantly shaping your body.”

Dear Jaap,
Thank you so much for your thoughtful email, and for sending these lovely photos along.
We are so grateful that you and Els were able to be with us in Maine this year and
are looking forward to future collaborations and hopefully a potential return visit in 2020.
are looking forward to future collaborations and hopefully a potential return visit in 2020.
I will share your kind words with the rest of our team –
we are so pleased that you had a good experience while teaching here.
we are so pleased that you had a good experience while teaching here.
Melanie Burns / Chief Operating Officer
Anatomy Trains Office
The course that I finally gave in KESWICK (VA) 25 till 29 JULY 2018 was nearly the climax of this USA trip.
The course was organized by Kate White on behalf of the APPPAH in the dramatic and beautiful setting of the retreat center Bridge between the worlds. This time the main part of the participants were not osteopaths or craniosacral therapist but coming from the domain of trauma therapy, prenatal psychology. Again a relatively high level of spirituality was demanded and therefore allowed to be presented.
The course was organized by Kate White on behalf of the APPPAH in the dramatic and beautiful setting of the retreat center Bridge between the worlds. This time the main part of the participants were not osteopaths or craniosacral therapist but coming from the domain of trauma therapy, prenatal psychology. Again a relatively high level of spirituality was demanded and therefore allowed to be presented.
Hello Everyone!
I hope you are integrating all the information we learned from Jaap Van Der Wal well.
I am attaching a few photos of all of us and the final copy of the sign in sheet (thank you Karen Mulder, who did a fabulous job of helping us!
I am attaching a few photos of all of us and the final copy of the sign in sheet (thank you Karen Mulder, who did a fabulous job of helping us!
Jaap, thank you so much for a great time. We are thrilled to think you will return to us in 2020 or 2021.
Thank you again for coming and making this experience great. Everyone.
Your names will go into our mailing list so you can hear about our offerings. Just remove yourself from the list if you don’t want to receive newsletters, or respond to this email and tell me you are not interested in receiving notices.
Your names will go into our mailing list so you can hear about our offerings. Just remove yourself from the list if you don’t want to receive newsletters, or respond to this email and tell me you are not interested in receiving notices.
Kate and Maggie
Bridging between the worlds, Jaap brings us into our embryo’s mysterious world in a most profound self- discovery process where and when spirituality and science can meet safely. This course represents the validation of both my personal and professional life experience and the boost I needed now to take me to the next step of the healing journey chosen in this incarnation. I am in awe.
Eternal blessings and much gratitude to Jaap and our Guides Kate and Maggie.
Cloe Couturier, Osteopath
30 mei 2017
DE website is geheel vernieuwd en uitgebreid
De PDF PowerPoint presentatie van de cursus is bijwerkt. Nieuw actievideo’s onder de tag OVER JAAP. En er is een uitvoerig interview met Jaap door Lydia Estany gepubliceerd. In het Engels – SPAANS ondertiteld.
7 maart 2016
Er is een nieuwe druk verschenen van Dynamische Morphologie und Entwicklung der Menschlichen Gestalt.
Dit boek verscheen voor het eerst in 1998 als Arbeitsergebnisse der 1. Internationalen Tagung für Physiotherapeuten in der Medizinischen Sektion am Goetheanum. Naast twee hoofdstukken van mevrouw Dr. Med. Michaela Glöckler (destijd leider van de Medizinische Sektion am Goethenaum) en van Fromuthe und Alexander Eckhart over Spirituelle Schulungsmotive für Physiotherapeuten en een becommentarieerd Tagungsprogramm, wordt het leeuwendeel van het boek gevormd door zes hoofdstukken Der Mensch als Embryo zwischen Himmeln und Erde door Jaap van der Wal MD PhD. Met uitgebreide Engels samenvattingen.
Op de kaft staat: “De gebaren van de embryonale ontwikkeling zijn met behulp van de Goetheanistische fenomenologische methode te begrijpen en te interpreteren als menselijk gedrag. In deze fases zijn bijvoorbeeld de fenomenen die de incarnatie van de mens begeleiden nog duidelijk “af te lezen”. Ook kunnen de gebaren van het embryo verstaan worden als een soort echo van de mensheidsontwikkeling. Op deze manier komen menswording en mensheidswording, biografie en biologie steeds meer bij elkaar en is het mogelijk om, verdiept door de zienswijze van de antroposofie, door te dringen tot de spirituele essentie van deze mensfase”
Officele gegevens: Glöckler, Michaela | Wal, Jaap van der (Hg.), Dynamische Morphologie und Entwicklung der menschlichen Gestalt – Spirituelle Schulungsmotive für Physiotherapeuten. 4. bearbeitete Auflage 2016, 2016 by Verlag am Goetheanum, CH=4143 Dornach. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Satz: Höpcke. Hamburg. Druck und Bindung: Druckhaus Momos, Sinzheim. ISBN: 978-3-7235-1552-5.
Bekijk of direct naar het boek Dynamische Morphologie und Entwicklung der menschlichen Gestalt
17 februari 2016
Een nieuwe website voor Embryo in Beweging met ingang van 1 maart 2016
Het plan bestond al veel langer. Al in 2013 zijn er fondsen ingezameld om tot een gehele revisie en vernieuwing van de website te komen. Met de geïnspireerde ondersteuning van mijn zoon Maarten van der Wal is via zijn bedrijf Contactum de lay-out en de opzet van de website geheel vernieuwd en gemoderniseerd. Het is de bedoeling dat de website rond 1 maarti 2016 “in de lucht gaat”. Nog meer dan in het verleden het geval is geweest, wordt het met de nieuwe opzet mogelijk om alle mogelijke materiaal (artikelen, films, beeldmateriaal) beschikbaar te stellen aan geïnteresseerden en deelnemers aan de cursussen Embryo in Beweging. Ook is er voorzien in de mogelijkheid dat er regelmatig nieuwsberichten vanuit het project Dynamension wereldkundig worden gemaakt.