FA ARTICLE Die Faszie als Kommunikationsorgan – 2014 DE


In this chapter Propriozeption – De Faszie als Kommunikationsorgan im Buch Faszien von Robert Schleip et al., it is argued that to understand the functional role of mechanoreceptors in the process of proprioception it is more appropriate to think in terms of architecture of connective tissue and muscle tissue than in terms of muscles, ligaments etc. (van der Wal 2009). (van der Wal 2009).


There is some evidence to suggest that the connective tissue continuum of fascia and fascial structures represents a body-wide mechanosensitive signal transmission system, performing an integrative function analogous to that of the nervous system (Langevin 2006). Membranes, septa, or even the deep and superficial fascia-all are complex and inextricably linked to the musculoskeletal system (Wood Jones 1944, Standring 2005) and thus could undoubtedly play an important role in proprioception (Langevin 2006, Stecco et al. 2007b, Benjamin 2009). First of all, this requires that the fascial structures are equipped with an appropriate anatomical correlate (“proprioceptors”). But for the quality of the centripetal signals it is also important how the mechanics and architecture of the connective tissue is developed in relation to the skeletal and muscle tissue in the respective area (Benjamin 2009, van der Wal 2009). Only if the fascial structures have a mechano-architectural relationship to the muscular or bony elements can they provide the mechanoreceptive information required for proprioception. In other words, the proprioceptive capabilities of a fascial structure depend not only on the topography but also on the architecture and structural relationship of the fascia to the muscle and bone tissues (van der Wal 2009).

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