Place – Country and Language | Title and date of the course. For further details per course, see Course Calendar |
2024 | |
Prague (Czech Republic) EN/CZ GATE CHANGE | Thursday 17 to Sunday 20 October 2024 in Zámek Berchtold near Prague. A five-day course Human as Embryo – The Embryo in Us. With translation from English to Czech. For information see the Facebook page Tereza Winklerová . For the course see the website and the event website NOTE For reasons, the (5-day) live course has been converted to a 4-day webinar. |
Gilze-Rijen (NB) (Netherlands) NL | Monday 4 to Thursday 7 November 2024. Four-day course Man as Embryo – The Embryo in Man. Osteo Training Panta Rhei PRO in Gilze-Rijen NL. Check the website . |
Webinar (The Fascia Hub) EN | Sunday 17 November 2024 A three hours lasting Beyond the ‘anatomy’ of fascia? An approach through the morphology of the human embryo expands fascia into the inner ‘fabric’ of the body with architecture and biotensegrity as key concepts Gepland: 17 tot 20 uur UK time op The Fascia Hub |
Almelo (Netherlands) NL | Friday and Saturday, December 13 and 14, 2024 PLUS January 10 and 11, 2025 Four-day course Man as Embryo (The phenomenological approach as a method for a humanities science) in two modules. Homeopathy training Netherlands HAN. See the HAN website |
2025 | |
Almelo (Netherlands) NL | Friday and Saturday, December 13 and 14, 2024 PLUS January 10 and 11, 2025. Four-day course Man as Embryo (The phenomenological approach as a method for a humanities science) in two modules. Homeopathy training Netherlands HAN. See the HAN website |
Düsseldorf (Germany) DE | Friday 24 to Monday 27 January 2025 Four-day course Phenomenological embryology as the basis for a holistic and spiritual study of man. Organized by Santosh Claudia Weber. Look at training and further education . |
London (England) EN | Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 March 2025 Four-day course The Embryo in Us – A journey through the human embryo in search of the soul dwelling in the fascia. Organized by the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust, Skylight Centre. See their website |
Zurich (Switzerland) DE | Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th April 8pm. A four-day course The Language of the Embryo – Design of the Human Body as an Expression of the Soul (“Polarity Embryology”). |
Berlin (Germany) DE | (Wednesdag April 30th) Thursday May 1st to Sunday may 4th 2025. Four-day course The Human Being as an Embryo – The Embryo in the Human Being with also a reflection on Fascia as our inner dimension, organized by Weg der Mitte for holistic health, education and social affairs in Berlin-Zehlendorf. On Wednesday evening 30th April it starts with a public lecture Das Geheimnis der menschlichen Empfängnis. See the homepage |
Tirrenia – Pisa (Italy) EN/IT | For the time being Thursday 15 to Sunday 18 May 2025. Four-day course L’esistenza prenatale in una prospettiva Biodinamica. Morphologie dello sviluppo embrionale come gesto. Primarily for osteopaths and craniosacral therapists. Also for other body workers interested in man as a being of Mind, Motion and Matter . English (translated). Organized by CSIT . See also the La Marea website |
Freiburg (Germany) DE | Thursday, May 28 to Sunday, June 1, 2025. Four-day course in Dynamic Embryology and Morphology . Under the auspices of the Freiburger Cranio & Polarity Schule. Check out the FCPS Weiterbildungsforum |
Kiental (Switzerland) DE | Thursday 26 to Sunday 29 June 2025 Four-day course The human being as an embryo – The embryo in the human being – Phenomenological embryology as the basis of a spiritual study of man. See the Kientalerhof website |
Cadenet (France) EN | Wednesday 23 to Sunday 28 September 2025. Five-day course L’Embryon en Mouvement – The Embryo in us (with a touch of ‘Fascia as a dimension of our inner self’). With translation from English into French. Organized by Le Petit Prince, La Fontaine de L’aube- Provence Sud Luberon. Information see Fontaine de l’Aube |
Cologne (Germany) DE | Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 November 2025 Four-day course on Spiritual Humanity and Basic Holistic Embryology. UTA Institute. More information on the UTA Academy website |
PROVISIONAL / PAST – in reserve | |
Nijeholtepade (Friesland) NL | Thursday xx to Sunday xx month 20xx. Three-day Embryo in Movement course – Spiritual Embryosophy. Aumm training NL. |
Boulder CO (USA) EN | Wednesday xx month to Saturday xx month 20xx. A four-day course Dynamic Embryology and Morphology – Where Biology meets Biography. Colorado School of Energy Studies, Boulder, USA. Look at the website of CSES |
Bussum (Netherlands) NL | Thursday xx to Sunday xx month 20xx. Four-day course in Embryosophy – Embryo in Movement – for graduates and students of the Peirsman Cranio Sacral Academy Foundation. You can find more information on the PCSA website |
Ashland OR (USA) EN | Thursday June xx to Sunday xx month 20xx. A four-day course The Embryo in us – Embryo in Motion . Organized by The Milne Institute – Ashland, California USA. |
Petersburg (Russia) EN | From Monday xx to Friday xx month 20xx a five-day course The Embryo in Us (with an emphasis on the Fascia as a dimension of the inner self) in St Petersburg, organized by the Institute for Craniosacral Therapy in Petersburg. In English with translation into Russian |
Salt Lake City Utah USA EN | Sunday xx month to Wednesday xx month 20xx. A four-day course The Embryo in us – Embryo and Fascia. Organized by Guild for Structural Integration, SLC, UT USA. Open for all body workers and other interested people. |
Vienna (Austria) DE | Thursday xx month August to Sunday xx month 20xx. Four-day course Der Mensch als Embryo – Der Embryo im Menschen. For the Osteopathic Center for Children OZK in Vienna |
Basel (Switzerland) DE | Thursday xx month to Sunday xx month 20xx. A four-day course Der Mensch als Embryo – Der Embryo in Uns. Organized by the Sphinx Institute for Craniosacral Therapy in Basel. |
Rijen (NB) (Netherlands) NL
| Saturday xx month 20xx. Separate from the EIB programme, a one-day seminar On the Origin of Fascia. A functional morphology and embryology of the fascial system. Osteo Training Panta Rhei PRO in Gilze-Rijen NL. |
Barcelona (Spanje) EN/ES | Wednesday xx to Sunday xx month 20xx. Embríon en Moviemento – El hombre como embríon. Four-day course, organized by the Midline Institute. See the Midline Institute website. |
Athens (Greece) EN | Thursday xx to Sunday xx month 20xx a four-day course The Embryo in Us – Triune Man as Embryo. Organized by KENEXE Fascial Fitness Education Center, Athens, Greece. Possibly plus one-day Fascia seminar on Monday xx month 20xx |
Limmen (Netherlands) NL | Saturday xx to Tuesday xx month 0xxFour-day course (with two evening sessions) The Speech of the Embryo – Man as an Embryo. Partly in collaboration with Andrea Wandel (trauma healing and family constellations) in search of the prenatal. |
Munich (Germany) DE | Thursday xx to Sunday xx Monday 20xx. Four-day course in embryology from a holistic perspective. For the Osteopathy Academy of Germany (OAM) and the Center for Naturopathy (ZfN) in Munich. For further information see the OAM website or the ZfM website. |
Oud-Heverlee near Leuven (B.) NL | Friday xx month to Sunday xx month 20xx. A three-day course The Language of the Embryo. For The Golden Ratio, School for Dream Analysis, Oud-Heverlee, Belgium. For more information The Golden Ratio |
Walpole MA (USA) EN | Friday xx to Monday xx month 20xx as part of Anatomy Trains Advanced Summer Courses in Walpole Maine 2022 a four-day course The Ultimate Embryo – Coming into Form in collaboration with Tom Myers, Anatomy Trains. See Anatomy Trains website |
Weesp (Netherlands) NL | Thursday xx to Sunday xx month 202xx Four-day course The Embryo in Us – Spiritual Embryology. Organized for and by The Functional Yoga Teacher Training TFY. For more information see TFY Teacher training website . Preliminary notice : maybe in part or in whole or in English |
Sealand (Denmark) EN | Wednesday xx to Saturday xx month 20xx. Four-day course Embryo in Motion – The Embryo in us . Institut Biodynamiks Kraniosakral Terapi in Sealand. In English (no translation). More information at Institut Biodynamiks Kraniosakral Terapi |
Hamburg (Germany) DE | Thursday xx month to Sunday xx month 20xx. Four-day course in Dynamic Morphology and Embryology for the Masterclass Program OsteopathieSchule Deutschland (OSD). See the OSD website . Institute for Integrative Morphology (IM). |
Lucerne (Switzerland) DE | Thursday xx to Sunday xx month 20xx Four-day course in Dynamic Embryology and Morphology under the auspices of MovingArt Lucerne |
Webinar CTET London EN | Saturday xx and Sunday xx month 20xx. Two-day webinar The Mindful Embryo – An Introduction to Spiritual Embryology with Jaap van der Wal . Unveiling the Embryo in Us. Organized by the Craniosacral Therapy Educational Trust, Skylight Centre. See their website |
Stockholm (Sweden) EN | Thursday xx tot en met zondag xx Month 20xx Vierdaagse cursus Embryo in Motion – The Embryo in us. Dynamic Embryology and Morphology. Kijk op de website van het Spånga Friskvård Hälsocenter / Spånga Wellness Health Center, Stockholm |
Webinar CPPP (USA) EN | Friday-Saturday Momth xx – xx AND Friday-Saturday Month xx-xx, 20xx A four-day course divided into two two-day webinars for the Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Online Learning Center CPPP from Kate White, VA, USA. The Embryo within us – Man as an Understanding ourselves as an Embryo and how that relates to our consciousness and being psychosomatic. For information and subscription, look at ppncenter embryo |