We are expecting a child:
Who only recognize the
written yet.
At the current site a additional and complementary view on the prenatal existence of man is presented. Following a phenomenological approach the embryo is here considered and described as more than just ‘a matter of genes, cells, tissues and hormones’ but as a human being will in genesis, a being of spirit (mind) AND body.
The current materialistic embryology usually describes the embryo in the last-named terms. In the debate about issues like What is and what is not allowed in respect to the treatment and manipulation of embryos (e.g. cloning)? ethical and moral attitudes are token based upon this current view
The vision which is presented here, tries to provide counterweight against the dominating and mostly onesided and reductionistic scientific vision on human existence in general and as to our embryonic existence in particular.
An other view is possible in which the embryo (again) becomes a human being and fellow-man and may give us sight on unexpected dimensions of mind and spirit, creation and evolution. The only equipment you need for that are new ‘spectacles’.
View of the author as to matters like this is that for its future mankind does not need so much new horizons (for example on the enormous dimensions of our genome and DNA) but that we rather need ‘new eyes’. Another view on man and the world in which spirituality and science may find and mutually impregnate each other.
This site puts the human embryo in a ‘new light’, maybe is inconvenient and puts things on their head!
I hope this site may broaden your outlook!
Jaap van der Wal
J.C. van der wal. MD PhD, anatomist-embryologist and phenomenologist
Wine got drunk with,
not the other way
The body developed
out of us,
not we from it.
We are bees,
and our body is a honeycomb.
We made the body,
cell by cell we made it.
RUMI (1207 – 1273)