AA BOOK Der Mensch als Embryo zwischen Himmel und Erde – 2016 DE

Der Mensch als Embryo zwischen Himmel und Erde – Dynamische Morphologie und Entwicklung der menschlichen Gestalt. Sechs Vorträge, gehalten am 2. und 3. Mai 1997 in Dornach anläßlich der ersten internationalen Arbeitstagung der Physiotherapeuten von Dr. med. Jaap van der Wal. In 2016 aufs neu bearbeitet und als 4. Auflage publiziert.

From the preface

This publication is the written reproduction of six lectures given by me during the First International Workshop for Physical Therapists in Dornach in May 1997. The lectures were recorded on tape and transcribed by Mrs. Margarethe Voegele. The text created in this way was edited by me and adapted to a small selection of pictures. Essentially, however, the lectures have been left unchanged, so that the character of the spoken word remains clearly recognizable. What accompanied the words ‘inaudibly’, supplemented them and brought them to life, however, this text can only reflect to a very limited extent. Thus, of the abundance of pictures and slides used in the lectures, unfortunately by far not all could be published. The large selection of pictures gave me the opportunity to explain many things visually and without words and to make them understandable.

First summary

In this (working) conference, the morning lectures are meant to be devoted to the so-called theoretical aspects of the working theme, while the afternoons are reserved for practical work in the various workshops, to mutually exchange working approaches and techniques, but also ideas and experiences. I am convinced that in theories, concepts and models, and therefore also in practice, often tacitly or more rarely clearly expressed, is included the image of man and nature that people carry within themselves. Whatever you do as a therapist, practitioner, you base your work or approach on the image you have formed of man and nature. So your practice is determined by how you think about things. If we consider only the practical applications, for example, those that have emerged from anthroposophy, we risk developing only an alternative practice, without the associated and necessary change of mind. The ‘mission’, calling or mandate to develop new ideas about human beings and nature is as important as bringing up new practice methods and pathways in the field of physical therapy. In my work on genetics, as in genetic research, I discovered that the future of our society will be determined much more by our ideas, our thoughts, than by our practical actions. Therefore: a good theory is still the best practice. Do not think that these lectures are far from any reality of practical activity in your practice. To change the mind, that is, how to think and feel about things, is also important. This is the old prophecy of John the Baptist: “Metanoeite” (Change your mind and thinking).

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