FA INTERVIEW – Faszien – Anatomie. Propriozeption. Mediation – 2009 DE


Faszien: Anatomie. Propriozeption. Mediation. Jaap van der Wal im Gespräch mit Peter Wührl. Publiziert in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Osteopathie, 2010; 8(01): 24-27


Peter Wührl spoke at the Amsterdam Fascia Congress with Jaap van der Wal (private lecturer in anatomy and embryology at Maastricht University in the Netherlands) about his research on the mechanical and proprioceptive function of the architecture of fascial connective tissue. In a key note lecture there, Van der Wal presented the results of his 1988 dissertation, a rather unusual event in a setting so fixated on ongoing research. The reason: after defending his dissertation – in the Netherlands this corresponds to habilitation – Van der Wal moved to another university. So his work remained in a drawer for years, only to be published in a peer-reviewed journal eventually.

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